Panorama of The Genres of Piano Miniatures in The Works of Composers of Uzbekistan


fairy tale

How to Cite

Mukhamedova, F. . (2021) “Panorama of The Genres of Piano Miniatures in The Works of Composers of Uzbekistan”, Eurasian music science journal. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, (2), pp. 1–12. doi: 10.52847/EAMSJ/vol_2021_issue_2/56.
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Piano miniature is the most popular genre among composers and performers, since it is in a small form that the most subtle emotional experiences or various scenes from life are reflected. This paper analyzes various forms and types of piano miniatures of the composer's creativity of Uzbekistan. The purpose of the study is to analyze the processes of formation and development of the miniature genre in the piano creativity of Uzbekistan of the XX-XXI centuries, to identify genre features, as well as the semantics of performing interpretations.

The objectives of this study are to reveal the originality of piano music, as well as the performing analysis of the most significant piano compositions of the miniature genre, reflecting the national thinking and originality of the composer;

To achieve the research goals, such scientific methods as system-analytical, theoretical-historical and music-critical were used.


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